Great men are not born! They are shaped and molded during their childhood and adolescent years. INSPIRE provides a community of mentors who offer hope, support and guidance needed to build, shape and mold our young men.
Our holistic one-on-one and group mentoring approach focuses on faith-based engagement, character development and promoting positive behavior changes while celebrating each young man’s unique skills. We build skills in leadership and self-advocacy as we transform young men for successful transition to adulthood.

Young Men Targeted Mentoring (Ages 10-23)
Each young man is matched with a trained mentor who will focus on the specific needs of underserved youth. Each mentor will assist with life skills and facilitate transitions from high school to vocational training, college or employment. By the time our young men become adults, they are better positioned for success.
Examples of our individual and group sessions include:
Financial Literacy
Employment Readiness & Retention
Goal Setting & Self-Advocacy Strategies
Academic Success Coaching & Study Habits
College Preparation & Financial Assistance
Conflict Resolution and Problem Solving
Maintaining Healthy Relationships
Household Management & Nutrition
Transition Plan

Father to Father Mentoring (under 24 years old)
A disproportionate number of young fathers were raised without their fathers and grew up without positive male role models. Our program matches each young father with an experienced father who will provide direction and guidance.
The young fathers participate in educational modules, peer groups, family outings and activities with their children. These shared fatherhood experiences encourage personal growth and character development while improving parenting skills.
This program focuses on:
Father-child Relationship
Co-parenting & Child Support Compliance
Interventions to Strengthen Parenting Time
Employment Readiness & Work Habits
Education and Economic Security
College Preparation & Financial Assistance
Financial Literacy
Household Management & Nutrition
Maintaining Healthy Relationships
Conflict Resolution & Problem Solving
Transition Plan
Before graduating, each young man will able to:
Financially manage his household
Shop and prepare meals on a budget
Implement independent living skills
Access and maintain family-sustaining jobs
Maintain healthy relationships and lifestyles
A graduation ceremony will be held upon completion of the program to celebrate the accomplishments of each participant. Each graduate is encouraged to become a peer mentor for future participants.